Software Classic-Games - The Blob

The Blob game box cover. Download and play this classic Banana Games game from 2006 in the Action Game genre.

Assault Trooper

Genre: Action Game

Production: by Banana Games

Publication date: 2006


You are an alien from a far away world.
One day your spaceship crashed into a meteor and you have to land on a planet called the earth.
Now you are lost in a grey world.
You are scared and haunted by the police.
You are hungry......YOU ARE THE BLOB!!!"The Blob" is a fun game in which you have to absorb coloured NPCs and use the paint to change the whole grey city into something more colour- and beautiful.
Here is what the developer wrote about it:"For the past four months I have worked together with eight other Dutch students on a game called The Blob.
The game was a school project for an outside client.
The station area of the city of Utrecht in The Netherlands is getting a thorough face-lift, as the station and many buildings around it are being rebuilt.
Our task was to make a game that plays in the station area as it will be ten years from now, so that while playing, the audience is informed about what is going to happen.
The game was to be played in a centre with information about the changes, but also be downloadable for players at home.
This means the main target audience will walk by, play for a few minutes, and then walk on, but it should also be fun for people who download the game.The resulting game is The Blob.
It is a 3D game in which the player controls a ball of paint rolling through the city.
The ball can absorb coloured NPC's to become larger and change its colour.
With the paint, the player can then proceed to paint the entire city.
Almost everything is paintable: buildings, trees, cars and using the paint trace even the ground.
The main goal of the game is to paint all 17 landmark buildings.
Hardcore fanatics can also try to collect all 50 coins that are hidden around the level."A very nice game for all ages (if we believe our admin even babies like to watch this game), but maybe especially for kids who can learn a lot about the effects of mixing certain colours to create new ones by playing this game.IMPORTANT HINT: It is not possible to start the game by clicking on the .exe file in the game folder.
Please use the desktop icon or the Windows Start menu instead.