Software Classic-Games - Sabre Wulf (Remake)
Assault Trooper
Genre: Action Game
Production: by Ervin Pajor
Publication date: 2008
==========Sabre Wulf==========A remake by Ervin Pajor, 2008.Original game (c) 1984 A.C.G.
(Ultimate Play the Game) THY PATH IS LONG SO TREAD WITH CAREBEWARE THE WULF AND PASS HIS LAIRDANGER THREATENS ALL AROUNDSO TAKE YE FROM THIS HIDDEN MOUNDTO FREE THEE FROM THIS SUNKEN GATEBY WAY OF CAVE OR MEET THY FATEAN AMULET TO SEEK THY WILL`TWAS SPLIT BY QUAD AND HIDDEN STILLPASS THE KEEPER WROUGHT WITH HATETO GAIN AN ENTRANCE TO THE GATETHE PIECES LOST MUST THEE AMASFOR IF NO CHARM THEN NON SHALL PASS=========Objective=========Find the four pieces of the amulet hidden amongst the 256 screens making up the jungle.Collect treasure for bonus points.Avoid the animals.A compass has been provided at the top of the game screen to assist with locating amulet pieces.Once all the amulet pieces have been found, make your way to the cave in the middle of the jungle.========Controls========UP: UP ARROW or WDOWN: DOWN ARROW or SLEFT: LEFT ARROW or ARIGHT: RIGHT ARROW or DFIRE: ENTER, ENTER (numeric keypad), Z, SPACE, Left CTRL, Right CTRL, Left SHIFT, or Right SHIFT===============Menus & Options===============To navigate around the menu screens, use UP, DOWN and FIRE.Full-screen or Windowed mode can be selected on the Options screen, along with a choice of screen resolutions. =====Notes=====This remake (version 0.8) is currently incomplete.- Sound effects are half finished (many actions don't have an associated sound effect yet).- Enemy movement isn't complete (in fact it is virtually non-existent). - Enemy swirling appearance not implemented yet.- Most enemies are not yet in the game.
The following are still to come: the wulf, hippos, boars, natives, fires, scorpions, gorillas, lizards, birds, frogs, macaws, spiders, earwigs and rats.- Enemy collision detection only works with the witch doctor.- Fencing has no effect on enemies.- Enemy flipping (Paper Mario-style) is not yet implemented.- There are some bugs in enemy sizing.- The witch doctor's speed is wrong after he kills you, during your brief period of invulnerability.- No redefine keys or joypad facility is available yet.- No hi-score table is available yet.- Glitch: sometimes pond sparkles will briefly stay on screen when transitioning away from a pond screen.- Glitch: some clipping can occur while flipping close to pickups. ================Acknowledgements================Thank you to my lovely wife, for her support, understanding and tremendous patience during the development of this game.Thank you to my lovely daughter, for wanting to play it!Thank you to the team at Retro Remakes for hosting the 2008 Retro Remakes Competition.Thank you to the forum regulars at Retro Remakes for feedback and encouragement.Thank you to Geekay for his fabulous renditions of the title screen music and the game intro music.Thank you to Mark Sibly for the brilliant Blitz 3D programming language.A complete version will be released soon!Ervin Pajor13 December 2008