Software Classic-Games - Push Push Penguin
Assault Trooper
Genre: Action Game
Production: by Army of Trolls
Publication date: 2004
Ice town has been invaded by the evil snow trolls, all around is chaos as the snow trolls kidnap Ice towns inhabitants.
Amongst the turmoil one Penguin stands tall (or on tip toes) and decides to fight back.
Our hero Pen-Pen and his sweetheart Deda-Deda set out to rescue the kidnapped citizens of Ice Town who have been sealed inside star blocks.
Can Pen-Pen battle his way thru many tough and dangerous levels rescue his friends and beat back the evil snow troll army. Push Push Pengiun is a remake of an old classic game Pengo.
It is not really a remake as such since the gameplay was vastly improved and a lot of things have been added.
You can collect bonus items, get combo scores, roam around different mazes (original only had random created mazes with ice blocks), do tasks like rescue star sprites, dodge traps, etc.
There are Bonus Rounds (try collecting all BONUS letters), special levels which you must finish in a limited time (find the chest and open it up), etc. Basically every aspect of the game was improved on, but one thing was kept in-tact - the feeling of the good old arcade game.
We spent many hours on having the look&feel of the game just right and we hope we succeeded.