Software Classic-Games - Jardinains 2!

Jardinains 2! game box cover. Download and play this classic Tom Darby (Magic Chopstick Games) game from 2007 in the Action Game genre.

Assault Trooper

Genre: Action Game

Production: by Tom Darby (Magic Chopstick Games)

Publication date: 2007


It is another Arkanoid clone, and it comes highly recommended as better than the first and that was rated THE BEST arkonoid clone ever.
There are once again little annoying gnomes trying to wreck your game, and as much as they annoy you, the word on the street is that they are really cute, and bounce well on a paddle! You and the 'nains don't see eye to eye.
They want to throw stuff at your paddle; you want to knock 'em off their bricks.
Luckily, your ball is a great way to knock 'nains off bricks.Once you've knocked the 'nains off the bricks, you can bounce 'em for points, bonuses, and personal gratification.
These powerups will (usually) help you knock more 'nains off their bricks even faster than before, often with amüsing results.This sequel should have way more features than the first installment, which is also featured on our site.