Software Classic-Games - Jardinains!

Jardinains! game box cover. Download and play this classic Tom Darby (Magic Chopstick Games) game from 2003 in the Action Game genre.

Assault Trooper

Genre: Action Game

Production: by Tom Darby (Magic Chopstick Games)

Publication date: 2003


"You control the paddle at the bottom of the screen with your mouse.
Click the left button to launch your ball at bricks.
Use your paddle to keep the ball above the bottom of the screen. Experiment with bouncing/catching the various other things that the game throws at you--some are good, some are bad.
The object of Jardinains! is to break every brick on the screen.
To break a brick, hit it with a ball.
Some bricks take more than one hit to break, and some cannot be broken by normal means.
When the last breakable brick has been broken, you'll advance to the next level and begin the whole process over again." (taken from the manual)Sounds familiar to you? Well in fact "Jardinains!" is just another game inspired by the legendary "Breakout".
But it's not just another clone as it adds something new to the well known concept.
While you try to break all the bricks a bunch of garden gnomes show up and throw flowerpots at you.
When you are hit by a pot, your rack will freeze for a short time and you will loose some points.
But you can also shoot down the gnomes with the ball and gain extra points by bouncing them back into the game.There are also several interesting powerups (and the possibility to power up the powerups) and four different difficulty modes that make the game enjoyable for beginners as well as for experienced gamers.