Software Classic-Games - Deathtrap Dungeon [E3 1997 Show Package]

Deathtrap Dungeon [E3 1997 Show Package] game box cover. Download and play this classic Asylum Studios game from 1997 in the Action Game genre.

Assault Trooper

Genre: Action Game

Production: by Asylum Studios

Publication date: 1997


Deathtrap Dungeon E397 showpackagewith screenshots &  info.
Eidos.Incredible new 3D action adventure epic basedon the multi-million selling Fighting Fantasybooks by Ian Livingstone.
Fun and simplicityare both paramount.
The combat system is fastfurious and easy to use.
The levels aremodelled in full 3D, creating an atmosphericdungeon full of a host of cunningly designedtraps, where the player battles.