Software Classic-Games - Bud Redhead

Bud Redhead game box cover. Download and play this classic Space Ewe Software game from 2005 in the Action Game genre.

Assault Trooper

Genre: Action Game

Production: by Space Ewe Software

Publication date: 2005


One day Bud and Rachel were walking in a park when suddenly some strange green-furred creature jumped out of a bright flash of light.
The creature grabbed Rachel and ran into the light which then disappeared.Bud is desperate! Only YOU can help him to rescue Rachel!Take a journey with Bud through space and time in pursuit of Feyatta, a well known green-furred intergalactic abductor.
Your quest will lead you to 4 different places in space-time continuum: from the forest more than 8000 years ago, over Ancient Egypt and Medieval Castles, to a Space Ship orbiting Saturn a couple of million years in the future!