Software Classic-Games - Blip and Blop - Balls of Steel

Blip and Blop - Balls of Steel game box cover. Download and play this classic Loaded Studio game from 2002 in the Action Game genre.

Assault Trooper

Genre: Action Game

Production: by Loaded Studio

Publication date: 2002


Blip and Blop have a violent mission.
They must help the innocent and retaliate on the evil beings that bully them.
Firstly they must rescue Gargamel who has been threatened by the evil smurfs.
As you enter his house a gruesome vision awaits you and you must seek out the evildoing blue men.
They come in numbers trying to outmaneuver you, throwing gift-bombs, and kisses at you.
Those bastards.You must grab any chance to eliminate them, stopping their reign of terror from spreading wider.Once done with them, other missions await you.
To see examples, check the screenies.
Care-bears might not be as innocent as they try to come across as, and maybe Lemmings weren't just mindless suicidal rodents...Maybe, just maybe there is more evil hiding skin deep out of the eye of the innocent bystander, but Blip and Blop will not be fooled, and sees right through the huggy-wuggy disguises.Evil beware for thine doom is balls.
Balls of Steel.This game is not only gruesomely funny, but also very good for relaxing after a hard day at work.
Ever sat down and watched Carebears-TV with your youngling or babysister or just because nothing else was on - (In the last case - you might want to go see a shrink), but IF you ever saw a Carebearshow or product you would instantly have grabbed for any kind of weapon, sidearm or kitchenware that could end ths being.
This gives you the chance without your kid freaking out, or your babysister telling mom what you did with the blender.You can also choose to team up with your brother, wife or friend in a two-player mode.Kill everything in sight, and accomplish the mission.